
Privacy Protection:
Acxiom Privacy Info:

  1. Good web page for technology update:
  2. Good Site for decent  free  software:
  3. Good  free  remote PC access software:
  4. If you have Microsoft Office Pro or Small Business edition then you can get free BusinessContact Manager software from Microsoft for integration with Outlook with demo and training at:
    Product Info and  Free Download,   Demo,   Training
  5. Free online technology & career training at:  Cnet , HP , Microsoft Assistance & Training at P&G as well as at OfficeDepot
  6. Royalty Free Music - lots of good sound clips to use in PowerPoint presentations as well.
  7. Good  free  PrintScreen Utilities:  ScreenPrint32 Gadwin PrintScreen
  8. Identity Theft Resources:
  9. Microsoft's various Security Software